Saraswatharishtam with gold contains Brahmi, Shatavari, Vidaarika, Abhaya, Usheeram, Aardarakam, Misi, etc. It is very useful to maintain a healthy brain.
Dosage: As Directed by the Physician.Saraswatharishtam with gold
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Rs. 200.00
Product Quantity: 1 Pack (25ml)
Saraswatharishtam with gold contains Brahmi, Shatavari, Vidaarika, Abhaya, Usheeram, Aardarakam, Misi, etc. It is very useful to maintain a healthy brain.
Dosage: As Directed by the Physician.SKU: IAFA10002NA

Shipping and Delivery
In India, we ship the products via two modes.
First- By DTDC, the normal service, and it takes around 3 to 4 days to deliver the package.
Second- In some places where DTDC services are not applicable then we ship the products via Indian post and it takes around 8 to 9 days to deliver the product.
First- By DTDC, the normal service, and it takes around 3 to 4 days to deliver the package.
Second- In some places where DTDC services are not applicable then we ship the products via Indian post and it takes around 8 to 9 days to deliver the product.