IAFA AF-7 Cream
Size (Per Pack): 100gm Usage: For External Use Only Maintains healthy skin balance 100% Natural product Key Ingredient Haridra Curcuma Longa 200mg Daru Haridra Berberis Aristata 1gm Nimba Azadiracta Indica...
Size (Per Unit): 200 ml Usage: For external use only Maintains healthy skin 100% Natural product Key Ingredients S. No. Herbs Latin Name Parts Used Quantity 1. Aragwadha Cassia Fistula...
IAFA AF-7 Powder
Supports Healthy Skin, Hair and Nails Quantity (Per Unit): 100 gm Product Weight (gms): 130 gm Usage: For external use only Method of Usage: For external use only. Apply as...
IAFA AF-7 Tablet
Product Weight (gms): 120 gm Size (Per Unit): 120 Tablets This tablet is developed under good quality conditions by Institute of Applied Food Allergy® experts. It is prepared according to...
IAFA AF-7 Tea is a proprietary Ayurvedic preparation carefully crafted with 7 herbs under experienced healthcare professionals of Institute of Applied Food Allergy®. The tea contains ingredients like Picrorhiza kurroa,...
IAFA AF-7 Wash
Size (Per Unit): 200 ml Usage: For external use only Intimate Wash for feminine hygiene Infused with Panchvalkal Kwath Maintains vaginal hygiene 100% Natural product Key Ingredients S. No. Herbs...
IAFA Bhoomi Amla Swaras
Supports Healthy Liver and SpleenProduct Weight (gms): 550 gmSize (Volume): 500 ml IAFA Bhoomi Amla Swaras, known as Chanca Piedra Juice, Phyllanthus Niruri Juice and Bhumi Amla Juice. It is...
IAFA Detox Powder
Quantity (Per Unit): 100 gm Product Weight (gms): 130 gm Supports healthy digestion Supports healthy metabolism Supports healthy skin Pure Vegetarian formula and 100% Natural product Free from artificial sweetener,...
IAFA Durva Swaras
Pitta-Pacifying Action, Immune-Modulator Action Product Weight (gms): 550 gm Size (Volume): 500 ml A dietary supplement for skin care and wellness Supports digestive system and gastrointestinal wellness Pure Vegetarian formula...
IAFA Durva Swaras for Kids
Kid’s Herbal Formula, Pitta-Pacifying Action Size (Per Unit): 30 ml A dietary supplement for skin care and wellness Supports digestive system and gastrointestinal wellness Pure Vegetarian formula and 100% Natural...
IAFA E-5 Cell Repair Oil
Size (Per Unit): 200 ml Usage: For external use only Maintains healthy skin 100% Natural product Key Ingredients S. No. Herbs Latin Name Parts Used Quantity 1. Karanj Pongamia Glabra...
IAFA Kasini Swaras
Product Weight (gms): 550 gm Size (Volume): 500 ml Supports healthy kidneys Maintains healthy hepatobiliary system Helpful in maintaining balance of Pitta Dosha in the body Pure Vegetarian formula and 100%...
IAFA Makoye Swaras
Product Weight (gms): 550 gm Size (Volume): 500 ml A perfect “Herbal shots” for overall wellness and healthy skin balance. A dietary supplement for heart wellness and kidney balance Supports...
IAFA Pitpapra Swaras
Product Weight (gms): 550 gm Size (Volume): 500 ml A dietary supplement for skin care and wellness Supports digestive system and gastrointestinal wellness Pure Vegetarian formula and 100% Natural product...
IAFA Punarnava Swaras
Size (Volume): 500 ml Product Weight (gms): 550 gm A perfect “Herbal shots” for healthy kidney balance and hepatobiliary system wellness A dietary supplement for digestive wellness and gastrointestinal balance...